How to improve your workspace for better studying

Studying can be something that seems so easy, yet feels so hard when it comes to getting down to it. Things might not have to be as tough as they seem once you learn how to improve your workspace for better studying.

Remove distractions

How are you supposed to ignore your long to play video games when the controller is sat right next to you on your desk? Making sure that all your distractions are out of sight should help to make sure they stay out of your mind, too. This even goes for keeping your desktop free of any unnecessary folders.


Create easy access

Making sure you have everything you need before you start studying can mean that you don’t need to get up and break your concentration. This can mean everything from having enough water, making sure all of your pens work, and having your laptop charger plugged in and ready to go for when your battery runs low.

Think about lighting

Did you know that natural sunlight is better for studying that artificial light? This is because many people often feel more energized from the sun. However, if that’s not an option, then warm light is shown to help creativity while cold light can help people maintain concentration for longer.

Find the perfect temperature

Temperature is just as important as lighting as you won’t have to worry about taking your sweater on and off while trying to study. Many researchers agree that the room should be kept between 72 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit if you want to get the most from your study session.

Keep things clean

Having a messy study space can make it tough to concentrate as you might find your mind wandering to all the things that need to be cleaned around you rather than focusing on the task at hand. Plus, a cluttered space might make your mind feel more cluttered as a result.


Pick one place

Maybe you have a laptop or do all of your studying from textbooks and think you study as and where you can? This could make it difficult for your mind to concentrate. Studying in the same workspace every study session should help your brain to relate the area with focusing and learning new facts.

Use plants

House plants can be great for many aspects of our lives. Making the perfect workspace for better studying is no exception. Certain houseplants have been shown to improve the quality of the air as well as reducing our levels of stress. Just be sure to water them to keep them happy.

Leave your phone

Our phones can be a portal to all things distracting. Social media, texting our friends, playing games, and just about anything else that we shouldn’t be doing while trying to study can all be found on our phones. It might be tough, but it might be time to leave our phones in the other room and focus on our studying for a few hours.
Studying can often feel like a job, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, learning how to improve your workspace for better studying means that it shouldn’t be long before your mind is focused on the task at hand and you find yourself taking in more than you ever learned before.

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