Studying out in the sun can be good for you

Summertime is meant to be a time for ice-cream, pool parties, and lounging on the beach all day. It’s simply not made for studying or burying your head in a book. Or is it?
No one wants to be putting their brain to work while taking in the gorgeous summer rays. But research has actually shown that sunny days are the most effective days for you to be catching up on some readings for your upcoming exams.
Yeah we know, this isn’t exactly the news your grades wanted as yet again it cancels out another excuse for you to make when deciding to not go to the library when the sun’s out, but you’re hearing it here, and you’re hearing it now. Studying out in the sun is good for you! Here’s why.


The outside relieves stress

Everyone knows that getting a bit of fresh air when you’re stressed is like a reboot of the brain. Sometimes you just need to take a step outside for a breather. Well, it has been scientifically proven that the outdoors can significantly reduce blood pressure and diminish the physical symptoms of pain and anxiety. The same concept can be applied to studying outside. Due to a reduction in your body’s stress levels, your cognitive performance will improve as a result.

Be at one with nature

Biophilia is the idea that we humans have an innate drive to seek a connection with nature and the environment. This very concept supports the idea that our body and brain function more successfully when we are in the ‘comfort’ of an outside environment. We’ll feel far more peaceful, relaxed, and in a better state of mental alertness and focus. So what better way to be at one with nature than when the sun’s shining and the birds are singing on a summer’s day?

You’ll thank yourself later

Let’s be honest, it’s very easy to push your daily study targets to the side for the day and think about them the next morning. But if you combine studying and the sun together, then you are already a dedicated winner. If you can fight the urge to procrastinate, then you’ve learned what it takes to stay committed and prioritize what can wait and what is important.


It improves your health

Not only does the sun greatly elevate your mood, but it’s also massively beneficial to your health and wellbeing. The vitamin D we get from the sun’s UV rays increases bone strength, boosts our immune system, and also supports the health of our brain and nervous system – which is quite obviously crucial to studying to the best of your abilities. Don’t be a hermit when study season comes around. Look after yourself and catch some well-needed rays.

It allows you to find your happy place

Last but certainly not least – your happiness is the most important thing to take care of. And the sun makes everyone happy, right?
If your exams are just around the corner and you’re slowly feeling your stress levels creep up on you, then always remember what you’ve learned here today – don’t deprive yourself of the sun and the enjoyment of our well-needed summer vibes. Not only does it give you that warm summer feeling, but science has in fact proven that studying in the sun can actually be good for you. Happy studying!

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