Most diverse colleges in the United States

There are plenty of things to consider before applying to a college or university. Does it have an excellent academic reputation? Do they offer subjects that you want to learn? Are you more likely to get a career in your chosen field if you attend? Plus, you have to think about things like the facilities, campus, general vibe, and even the diversity of these colleges. Diversity is particularly important if you’re an international student that wants to feel comfortable in a college that opens its doors for people of all backgrounds. According to the latest statistics, these are the most diverse colleges in the U.S.

Pomona College

Pomona College in Claremont, California, takes the title for being the most diverse college in the whole of America… but that’s not all! According to rankings by Niche, it is also the number one Liberal Arts college in the United States, too. This elite private college only accepts around 1,500 undergraduate students every year, however, and it’s really tough to get in; only approximately 8% of all applicants are accepted each year. It may be a small college, but it has a big heart and impressive economics, math, and computer science majors.

University of Massachusetts

Third on the Niche list of most diverse colleges in the United States is the University of Massachusetts in Boston. UMass, as it is also known, takes on around 9,500 undergrad students every year with an impressive acceptance rate of 75%. Notable alumni include singer Natalie Cole and actor Richard Gere! The most popular majors at UMass include psychology, education, nursing science, and business.

Lynn University

Second place on the list of most diverse colleges in the United States is Lynn University, situated in Boca Raton, Florida. They pride themselves in welcoming around 3,000 students from 100 different countries, along with their Institute for Achievement and Learning which “empowers students with learning differences.” You’ll also have a good chance of earning a place here, as the acceptance rate is 82%. Dozens of sporting legends, and the sportscaster Lisa Kearney, all went to Lynn University.

Amherst College

This highly rated private college takes fourth place in the diversity rankings and third place overall for best Liberal Arts colleges in America. Situated in the Springfield area of Massachusetts, trying to get into Amherst may be pretty tricky – they only accept around 13% of all applicants. However, graduates can expect an above-average starting salary of around $42,300 if they attend this college.

California College of the Arts

Finally, number five on the list is California College of the Arts in San Francisco. Unsurprisingly, all of the most popular major topics at CCA are something to do with the arts – including graphic design, product design, and illustration. With an acceptance rate of 64% and an enrollment of around 1,400 undergraduate students, this is a safe bet for those who want to apply to a diverse arts college.
According to Niche, these are the five most diverse colleges in the United States – and there’s definitely a real mix in there for everyone.

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