The unconventional story of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s daughter

[post_page_title]An unlikely target[/post_page_title]
Alongside her struggles in the media, it seems as though Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has also struggled in her everyday life. While Brad and Angelina do not ever tell Shiloh that she cannot wear her clothes a certain way or cut her hair, they have been worried about her classmates. According to reports, the couple have previously sought professional help to ensure that their daughter will not suffer at the hands of the rest of the world – especially those people at school. It’s believed that they have also taught their children how to interact with Shiloh.

[post_page_title]A physical altercation[/post_page_title]
The news that Brangelina were parting ways was enough to put the media in a meltdown, and many fans wanted to know what had happened to break such a solid couple. It was noted that their relationship had been strained for numerous months, but what was even more unsettling was the fact that rumors were circulating about a physical altercation between Brad Pitt and his 15-year-old son, Maddox. According to these reports, Brad and Maddox got into a fight after the teenager tried to save his mother from one of Brad’s violent outbursts.

[post_page_title]Out of control[/post_page_title]
Hearing that Brad had been violent was enough to shock the world, and many fans couldn’t believe that the actor they had known and love for all of those years had turned to violence. Yet, the stories didn’t end there. Before too long, photographs of Brad Pitt were splashed across newspapers and magazines across the globe thanks to his out-of-control lifestyle. After his breakup, he was spotted drinking and taking illicit substances, and many even accused him of being unfaithful to Angelina Jolie. Although this has not been confirmed, fans were not happy.

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