The most expensive costumes (and props) ever used on Hollywood film sets

[post_page_title]The Maltese Falcon – Maltese Falcon statuette ($4.1 million)[/post_page_title]
In 1941, the world was graced with the legendary movie that is The Maltese Falcon. For the film, John Huston enlisted the help of Humphrey Bogart to bring the character of Sam Spade to life – and that he did.

The Maltese Falcon – Maltese Falcon statuette ($4.1 million)

Although many believe that the production team used plaster versions of this statue for filming, a 45lb statue was taken onto set and used within many of the scenes. In 2013, the real deal was sold to the casino magnate, Steve Wynne, for a whopping $4.1 million. What a purchase.

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