Hilarious construction fails

[post_page_title]Follow the path[/post_page_title]
The human race has been trained to follow the paths. We know to walk on the sidewalks, we know not to verge off-piste when we’re skiing, and we know to stick to all marked pathways in parks and wooded areas. It’s just the way of the world. Because of this, we are often thrown off course when society doesn’t match up with this social norm. Society is telling us that we should walk through the doorway in the fencing, but our social norms tell us that we should walk on the path. Our brains can’t take it.

[post_page_title]Say cheese![/post_page_title]
Nowadays, you can’t go anywhere without having Big Brother follow you around everywhere. No, they don’t want you for the next installment of their reality television series, they want to catch you on camera and follow your every move. At least, that’s what they aim to do. No matter how hard these companies try to install their CCTV cameras in busy and prominent areas, sometimes you just can’t avoid blocking off the view completely. You don’t need to worry about being watched in this building.

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